Version: 1.3.12

Kubernetes Installation

Installation Prerequisites

  • Kubernetes version v1.16 or greater
  • Docker CLI configured with permissions to push to the docker registry used by the Kubernetes cluster
  • Certifai Enterprise Archive (Zip) file obtained from your CognitiveScale Certifai Sales Representative
  • Linux/OSX Control machine to run the installation script with a few dependencies needed that are described in the Certifai Enterprise Installation section
  • A command line yaml processor - yq

Certifai Enterprise Configuration

The default Certifai Installation script creates a Certifai Enterprise subscription in the certifai namespace by default. You can change this behavior by editing the following files:

  • Cluster Roles for Subject Access Reviews - Edit the file named gke-rbac-clusterroles.yaml:
    • subjects.namespace the namespace you want to install Certifai Enterprise into

Certifai Enterprise Installation

Run the installation script:


Create an instance of Certifai Enterprise

In this section we first configure a Certifai Enterprise installation (Operand / Application) in the namespace supplied during the Enterprise installation.

Create a new file called certifai-cr.yaml with the following YAML content:

kind: Certifai
name: default-certifai
# namespace should match the namespace set in the subscription defined earlier in the Enterprise Configuration section
namespace: certifai
deployment-type: k8s
#enable dex to act as the oidc provider
enabled: true
create-ingress: true
replicas: 1
#dex auth provider connector
type: github
name: Github
client-id: github oauth app client id
client-secret: github oauth app client secret
#additional configurations as found in
add-config: |
- name: org-to-provide access to
create-ingress: true
replicas: 1
route-type: oauth
authorization-type: rbac
access-key: your access key
endpoint: ''
secret-key: your secret key
verify-cert: false
scan-dir: path to the storage bucket or container
enabled: true
create-ingress: true
access-key: your access key
endpoint: ''
secret-key: your secret key
verify-cert: false
enabled: true
questionnaire-dir: path to the storage bucket or container
authorization-type: rbac
replicas: 1
route-type: oauth
enabled: false
create-ingress: true
replicas: 1
scan-data-dir: ""
max-body-size: 1000m
proxy-connect-timeout: "180"
proxy-read-timeout: "180"
enabled: true
period: "*/15 * * * *"
db-conn-str: "postgresql://user:password@service:port/db"

Edit the following spec/dex parameters:

  • spec/deployment-type
  • spec/dex/enabled
  • spec/dex/replicas
  • spec/dex/connector/type
  • spec/dex/connector/name
  • spec/dex/connector/client-id
  • spec/dex/connector/client-secret
  • spec/dex/connector/add-config
  • spec/console/gcs/application-credentials
  • spec/console/route-type: Set this to oauth if spec.dex.enabled is set to true
  • spec/console/authorization-type: Set this to rbac if spec.dex.enabled is set to true
  • spec/console/azure/account-name
  • spec/console/azure/account-key
  • spec/console/azure/sas-token
  • spec/console/s3/access-key
  • spec/console/s3/endpoint
  • spec/console/s3/secret-key
  • spec/console/scan-dir
  • spec/policy/enabled
  • spec/policy/route-type: Set this to oauth if spec.dex.enabled is set to true
  • spec/policy/authorization-type: Set this to rbac if spec.dex.enabled is set to true
  • spec/policy/gcs/application-credentials
  • spec/policy/azure/account-name
  • spec/policy/azure/account-key
  • spec/policy/azure/sas-token
  • spec/policy/s3/access-key
  • spec/policy/s3/endpoint
  • spec/policy/s3/secret-key
  • spec/policy/questionnaire-dir
  • spec/scan-manager/enabled
  • spec/scan-manager/replicas
  • spec/scan-manager/scan-data-dir
  • spec/scan-manager/ingress-config/max-body-size
  • spec/scan-manager/ingress-config/proxy-connect-timeout
  • spec/scan-manager/ingress-config/proxy-read-timeout
  • spec/reference-model/enabled
  • spec/reporting/enabled
  • spec/reporting/period
  • spec/reporting/db-conn-str
apiVersionAPIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Should NOT be changed by
kindIdentifies the package type you are installing(Always) Certifai
metadata/nameThe name of your installation as configureddefault-certifai
metadata/namespaceThe namespace you selected in the Subscription section of the Enterprise Configuration section abovecertifai
spec/deployment-typeOptions are:
gke: This guide is for GKE so this is the only option that works here.
default = openshift
spec/dex/enabledEnable Dex as an authentication provider to access the Certifai Console and remote CLI operations.default = false; set this to true
spec/dex/connector/typeDex connector type: Should be one of the options described at
spec/dex/connector/nameThe name of the Dex connector. Can be set to a sane value of your choice. Required field when Dex is enabledyour-dex-connector-name
spec/dex/connector/client-idoauth app client ID for the Dex connector of your choice. Required field when Dex is enabledyour-oauth-provider-client-id
spec/dex/connector/client-secretoauth app client secret for the Dex connector of your choice. Required field when Dex is enabledyour-oauth-provider-client-secret
spec/dex/connector/add-configAdditional configuration (yaml) you may want to pass on to Dex, including specific organization, teams etc. Refer to the documentation for connectors. All fields, excluding client ID, client Secret and redirectURI, maybe specified in this section. Optional field when Dex is enabledorgs:
- name: organization-with-certifai-access
spec/console/replicasThe number of console instances you want your organization to run concurrentlydefault = 2
spec/console/route-typeConsole access options are:
none (default): no authentication is required to open the Console
http: Unsecured for a closed network
https: Secured for the internet
oauth: Enables login with Dex connector credentials
default = none
spec/console/authorization-typeIf Dex is enabled and you want to control access to the Certifai Console, set this field to rbac. Otherwise, the Certifai Console will have unauthenticated accessdefault = none
spec/console/scan-dirA path-like string prefixed with gs:// for gcs storage, abfs:// for Azure Storage Accounts and s3:// for S3 / Ceph / Noobaa storage accountsscan-dir
spec/console/gcs/application-credentialsJSON content of the application credentials file for a service account obtained from GCP. This needs to be a JSON key and not P12.application-credentials
spec/console/s3/access-keyThe s3 (or Ceph) access key you configured during your infrastructure setupaccess-key
spec/console/s3/endpointThe s3 (or noobaa/Ceph) endpoint you configured during your infrastructure
spec/console/s3/secret-keyThe s3 (or Ceph) secret-key you configured during your infrastructure setups3secret1234
spec/console/azure/account-nameThe name of your Azure Storage Account with Blob containersaccount-name
spec/console/azure/account-keyAn account key for a Blob Container present in the account-name referenced aboveaccount-key
spec/console/azure/sas-tokenAn SAS token for a Blob Container present in the account-name referenced abovesas-token
spec/policy/replicasThe number of policy instances you want your organization to run concurrentlydefault = 2
spec/policy/route-typePolicy Access options are:
none (default): no authentication is required to open the policy
http: Unsecured for a closed network
https: Secured for the internet
oauth: Enables login with Dex connector credentials
spec/policy/authorization-typeIf dex is enabled, and you want to control access to the Certifai policy, set this field to rbac. Otherwise, the Certifai policy will have unauthenticated accessdefault = none
spec/policy/questionnaire-dirA path-like string prefixed with gs:// for gcs storage, abfs:// for Azure Storage Accounts and s3:// for S3 / Ceph / Noobaa storage accountsscan-dir
spec/policy/gcs/application-credentialsJSON content of the application credentials file for a service account obtained from GCP. This needs to be a JSON key and not P12.application-credentials
spec/policy/s3/access-keyThe s3 (or Ceph) access key you configured during your infrastructure setupaccess-key
spec/policy/s3/endpointThe s3 (or noobaa/Ceph) endpoint you configured during your infrastructure
spec/policy/s3/secret-keyThe s3 (or Ceph) secret-key you configured during your infrastructure setups3secret1234
spec/policy/azure/account-nameThe name of your Azure Storage Account with Blob containersaccount-name
spec/policy/azure/account-keyAn account key for a Blob Container present in the account-name referenced aboveaccount-key
spec/policy/azure/sas-tokenAn SAS token for a Blob Container present in the account-name referenced abovesas-token
spec/scan-manager/replicasThe number of scan manager instances you want your organization to run concurrentlydefault = 2
spec/scan-manager/enabledBoolean. Enables or disables scan manager instances that is added to your installation. Users may disable the scan manager at any time to remove it from the installation to save resources.default = false
spec/scan-manager/scan-data-dirA path-like string prefixed with gs:// for gcs storage, abfs:// for Azure Storage Accounts and s3:// for S3 / Ceph / Noobaa storage accountsscan-data-dir
spec/scan-manager/ingress-config/max-body-sizeSize of the client request body; Uses m as units. (Optional)1000m (megabytes)
spec/scan-manager/ingress-config/proxy-connect-timeoutProxy connect timeout for connections to the upstream servers. (Optional)"180" (seconds)
spec/scan-manager/ingress-config/proxy-read-timeoutProxy read timeout for connections to the upstream servers (Optional)"180" (seconds)
spec/reference-model/enabledBoolean. Enables or disables the reference model server that is added to your installation. Users may disable the reference model at any time to remove it from the installation to save resources.default = true
spec/reporting/enabledBoolean. Enables or disables the reporting ETL job that is added to your installation. Users may disable the reporting ETL job at any time to remove it from the installation to save resources.default = true
spec/reporting/periodCron time string describing how often the reporting ETL job should run. The default value is 15 minutes.default = */15 * * * *
spec/reporting/db-conn-strPostgreSQL connection string. The location the reporting ETL will load report data to.default = postgresql://user:password@service:port/db

The spec.dex section of the above YAML snippet connects an OAuth application of an authentication provider of your choice (supported by Dex) to enable authentication and RBAC of this Cortex Certifai installation.

Apply this custom resource to the namespace you created in the Configuration section above using

kubectl apply -f certifai-cr.yaml -n <your_namespace>