Version: 1.3.13

Scan Manager Setup

Scan Manager provides Certifai users with an easy to use web-interface for configuring use cases and scans.

This guide is for system administrators who are configuring Scan Manager to work with Certifai Enterprise on a Kubernetes cluster.

This document walks you through:

  1. Obtaining the setup artifacts (templates etc).
  2. Creating and pushing different model-type base images to your private registry.
  3. Adding the base images to templates.


  • An instance of Cortex Certifai Enterprise has been deployed and is running on Kubernetes with access to the container registry configured for use with that cluster.
  • You have configured object storage that is dedicated to the Certifai Scan Manager. (e.g. s3://bucket/certifai/data is dedicated for scan manager and s3://bucket/certifai/results for scan results.)

Templates and files

This section describes the list of available editable Scan Manager templates and .yaml files that you use to set up Certifai Scan Manager.

These artifacts are stored in the setup_artifacts directory of the Certifai examples repository on GitHub.

The deployment folder contains:

  • Deployment templates: .yaml templates that provide the configuration templates for deploying each of the specified model types on Kubernetes:
    • scikit_0.23: uses python3.6 base image with scikit-learn v0.23 pre-installed
    • h2o_mojo: uses python3.6 base image with daimojo-2.4.8-cp36 whl pre-installed
    • r_model: uses rocker/r-apt:bionic base image with r-cran-randomforest pre-installed
    • hosted_model: uses python3.6
  • config.yml: The configuration specification for defining the template/base image relationship

If necessary, create a folder named files to contain additional files required to run Certifai Scan Manager.

  • license.txt file for h2o-mojo

The k8s_definitions folder contains:

Add Templates

You can create and upload additional templates to your dedicated object storage any time.

To create a new template to correspond with a new model_type:

Refer to the template creation instructions.

To use an existing template for a new model_type:

  1. Copy a similar template from the setup_artifacts directory
  2. Rename it to reflect the model type.
  3. Add or update environment variables that the model service deployment requires. Environment variables are injected when a service is deployed.
  4. Update <model_type>.deployment value in config.yml file (described [here](/cortex-certifai/docs/1.3.13/enterprise/scan-manager/scan-manager-setup#add-base images)) to the filename you created above. (config.yml example)
  5. Save the file to your local version of the templates and files. Keep the deployment file and template file in the same directory.
  6. Use the shell script bash <END_POINT> <ACCESS_KEY> <SECRET_KEY> <BUCKET_NAME> to upload the new template to your Scan Manager registry (<AWS_BUCKET>).
  7. Add the corresponding base images to the registry. (Follow instructions below.)

Refer to the guide on Model Secrets.

Generate base images

Base images are containers with pre-installed dependencies required to run model predictions as a service.

To create base images for the existing templates in cortex-certifai-examples:

  1. Create a template directory structure for the given model type (e.g. python scikit)

    To generate the code template (generated-container-model) in your current directory with the generated code for containerization of your model run:

    Model-typeGenerate command to run
    H2O Mojo./ -i certifai-model-container:latest -m h2o_mojo
    Python./ -i certifai-model-container:latest -m python
    Proxy./ -d generated-container-proxy -i certifai-proxy-container:latest -m proxy
    R./ -i certifai-model-container:latest -m r_model -b rocker/r-apt:bionic

    The template generated from the above commands is designed to work with standard scikit-learn, XGBClassifier or XGBRegressor models, H2O MOJO, and R based models

    For an xgboost model using DMatrix, replace -m python with -m python_xgboost_dmatrix.

    For additional generate options run:

    ./ --help
  2. (For H2O Mojo and Python templates only) Update and test the prediction service.

    The prediction service works out of the box with a standard scikit-learn model and with an XGBClassifier or XGBRegressor model.

    For other models, you may need to update the set_global_imports method in generated-container-model/src/ to import any required dependencies, and the predict and/or soft_predict methods to predict using the model and return results in the expected format.

    If you are using soft_predict (e.g. for Shap), make sure supports_soft_scoring: true is specified for the model in generated-container-model/model/metadata.yml and in your scan definition.

    To test the prediction service:

    • a. Copy the model into the generated container folder by running:

      cp mymodel.pkl generated-container-model/model/model.pkl
    • b. Start the service by running:

      python generated-container-model/src/
    • c. Test the service by making a request to with the respective parameters

      (See e.g. in the iris example), or use Certifai to test the endpoint against your scan definition by running:

      certifai definition-test -f scan_def.yaml
  3. (For R templates only) Configure Prediction Service.

    • a. To load model dependencies add library(packageName) to file src/prediction_service.R (e.g. library(randomForest) to load random forest package for prediction)

    • b. The R model is assumed to be an .rds file type. However, a persisted model may contain additional functions and artifacts for data transformation at runtime. The supported list includes:

      • encoder: a function to encode (scale etc.) incoming data that is accessed using model$encoder

      • artifacts: an optional object that may be passed to encoder along with new data that is accessed using model$artifacts

      (e.g. predict(model$model, newdata=model$encoder(test_data, model$artifacts)) - Refer to concrete example in models/r-models)

  4. To copy the Cortex Certifai packages folder from inside the toolkit into the generated-container-proxy directory from step 1, run:

    cp -r <certifai-toolkit-path>/packages generated-container-proxy/packages
  5. (Optional) To install other dependencies run the following model-type specific commands.

    Model-typeDependency DescriptionAction/ Command
    H2O MojoDownload and copy the daimojo MOJO Python runtime linux dependency (.whl file) to ext_packages foldercp <path-to-linux-daimojo-file>.whl generated-container-model/ext_packages/
    PythonIf you are using scikit-learn version other than 0.23.2 or other dependenciesUpdate generated-container-model/requirements.txt with the corresponding version # or relative dependencies and install dependencies with pip install
    RFor binary dependenciesAdd to requirements_bin.txt (e.g. r-cran-randomforest)
    RFor dependencies other than binaryAdd to requirements_src.txt (e.g. install.packages('custom-non-binary-package'))
  6. (For Proxy template only) Configure a hosted model URL.

    • a. Add the HOSTED_MODEL_URL env variable and any required auth/secret header tokens to generated-container-proxy/environment.yml file, which is used at runtime.

    • b. Add the same env variables to the src/ file.

  7. (For Proxy template only) Update request/response transformer methods in the src/ file.

    • a. Update the transform_request_to_hosted_model_schema method to apply custom transformation to a hosted model service request (/POST).

    • b. Update the transform_response_to_certifai_predict_schema method to apply custom transformation to a hosted model service response to the Certifai predict schema Refer to src/ for more information.

  8. To build the base image used by the prediction service docker image.

    ./generated-container-model/ build

    A Docker image with the name specified in Step 1 with -i parameter (certifai-model-container:latest in this case) is created.

  1. Push the image to your private Docker registry so the k8s cluster is able to pull it when you run a scan.

    • a. Make sure you have write-access to the registry and that you are authenticated to it.

    • b. Tag the Docker image.

      docker tag <docker-image> <your-private-registry-url>:<docker-image-with-tag>
    • c. To push the image to your private Docker registry run:

      docker push <your-private-registry-url>:<docker-image-with-tag>

      Your private registry must be accessible to the deployed instance of Certifai Scan Manager.

Add base images

For a new model-type

To add base image of a new model type:

  1. Create new base image following the instructions above.
  2. Update the config.ymlas follows:
    • a. Add a new model type item (e.g. pytorch_1.8).
    • b. Add model_type_deployment with the corresponding deployment template name (e.g. pytorch_1.8_deployment.yml.
    • c. Create the pytorch_1.8_deployment.yml file in the same directory.
    • d. Add with human-readable name (pytorch_1.8)
    • e. Add model_type.default_base_image.value with the fully qualified name of the image pushed above.
    • f. Update the list of model_type.available_base_images with the same image value.
    deployment: pytorch_1.8_deployment.yml
    name: pytorch_1.8
    - name: pytorch_1.8

For an existing model-type

To add a base image to an existing model type update the list of model_type.available_base_images with the newly added base image.

Updating base images

To update base image of a given model type:

  1. Create a new base image. (Follow the instructions above.)
  2. Update the values for <model_type> in the config.yml including:
  • default_base_image.value: with the fully qualified name of the image pushed above
  • The corresponding name-value item pair list available_base_images.value: with the fully qualified name of the image pushed above

Upload setup artifacts

Run the following script from the setup_artifacts directory to load the Certifai Scan Manager setup artifacts to your Scan Manager container registry:


Where: <BUCKET_NAME> is the URL of the S3 path that you configured when you installed Scan Manager.



The setup artifacts and templates are now available for selection and use in the Certifai Scan Manager application.

Deploy the Prediction Service to a Different Namespace

Using a different namespace for your model deployment is recommended.

To deploy the prediction services to a different namespace (for admins only):

  1. Update/Add the deployment-namespace field in certifai-scan-manager ConfigMapin the current namespace as follows: deployment-namespace: <deployment-namespace>.

  2. Set S3-Bucket credentials (access and secret keys) to a different namespace and kube secret.

    Create secrets using following command

    kubectl create secret generic s3-bucket-access-key --from-literal=accesskey=<BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY> -n <deployment-namespace>
    kubectl create secret generic s3-bucket-secret-key --from-literal=secretkey=<BUCKET_SECRET_KEY> -n <deployment-namespace>
  3. Create a role and role-binding in the new namespace by saving the following snippet to a file and naming it: deployment-namespace-roles.yaml.

    kind: Role
    name: certifai-deployment
    namespace: <deployment-namespace>
    - apiGroups: [ "apps" ]
    resources: [ "deployments" ]
    verbs: [ "list", "get" , "patch", "create" ]
    - apiGroups: [ "" ]
    resources: [ "services" ]
    verbs: [ "list", "get", "patch", "create" ]
    - apiGroups: [ "" ]
    resources: [ "pods", "pods/log" ]
    verbs: [ "list", "get" ]
    kind: RoleBinding
    name: certifai-scan-manager
    namespace: <deployment-namespace>
    kind: Role
    name: certifai-deployment
    - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: certifai-scan-manager
    namespace: <current-namespace>
  4. Edit and save the deployment-namespace-roles.yaml file you just created as follows:

  • Edit namespace fields in the above snippet as needed.
    • <current-namespace>: Name of the current namespace Certifai is installed in.
    • <deployment-namespace>: Name of the deployment namespace.
  1. Apply the file by running:
    kubectl apply -f deployment-namespace-roles.yaml -n <deployment-namespace>
    When you create a new use case using ScanManager, the prediction services runs in <deployment-namespace> namespace as recommended.

Kube Setup

To configure Scan Manager:

  1. Create a kube ConfigMap using setup_artifacts/k8s_definitions/scan-manager-configmap.yaml file as a template.

  2. In the file set the following:

    scan-config - These settings provide configuration for parallel scanning (scan concurrency), cpu, and memory. You may also specify use case level configurations for these properties.

    deployment-namespace - This is the namespace used to deploy models.

    Scan manager verifies whether or not deployment-namespace is set. If it is not set (or not present), deployment namespace is set to the NAMESPACE env variable on startup.

    parallel: 1
    cpu-req: "1000m"
    mem-req: "500Mi"
    parallel: 2
    cpu-req: "1000m"
    mem-req: "500Mi"
    deployment-namespace: certifai
  3. To apply default scan manager ConfigMap run:

    kubectl apply -f setup_artifacts/k8s_definitions/scan-manager-configmap.yaml -n <NAMESPACE>

Secret Configuration

Save s3 bucket access credentials (BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY and BUCKET_SECRET_KEY) to Kubernetes secrets using following commands:

kubectl create secret generic s3-bucket-access-key --from-literal=accesskey=<BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY> -n <NAMESPACE>


kubectl create secret generic s3-bucket-secret-key --from-literal=secretkey=<BUCKET_SECRET_KEY> -n <NAMESPACE>

Kubernetes secrets are injected as valueFrom environment variables when the service is deployed.


Issue RequestEntityTooLarge

When you get this message, you have likely tried to upload a file that exceeds Scan Manager's upload limit.

Scan Manager supports upload of files up to 1GB.


Add annotation to the Ingress that increases max-body-size in the Certifai custom resource.

Next steps