Interface FeatureCatalog

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FeatureCatalog
    Interface for service maintaining the set of Features associated with a DataSource.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<com.c12e.cortex.phoenix.Feature> queryFeatures​(java.lang.String project, java.lang.String sourceName)
      Get the list of features associated to the DataSource with the given name
      java.util.List<com.c12e.cortex.phoenix.Feature> updateFeatureCatalog​(java.lang.String project, java.lang.String sourceName, org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset<org.apache.spark.sql.Row> sourceDf, java.lang.Boolean performCalculations)
      Updates the set of Feature's associated with the DataSource
    • Method Detail

      • queryFeatures

        java.util.List<com.c12e.cortex.phoenix.Feature> queryFeatures​(java.lang.String project,
                                                                      java.lang.String sourceName)
        Get the list of features associated to the DataSource with the given name
        project - project the DataSource belongs to
        sourceName - DataSource name
        list of features
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the features belonging to the DataSource does not exist, etc.
      • updateFeatureCatalog

        java.util.List<com.c12e.cortex.phoenix.Feature> updateFeatureCatalog​(java.lang.String project,
                                                                             java.lang.String sourceName,
                                                                             org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset<org.apache.spark.sql.Row> sourceDf,
                                                                             java.lang.Boolean performCalculations)
        Updates the set of Feature's associated with the DataSource
        project - project the DataSource belongs to
        sourceName - Cortex DataSource name
        sourceDf - data to infer the feature properties from
        performCalculations - perform analytic calculations
        list of features
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the features belonging to the DataSource does not exist, etc.