Version: 6.4.0


This section provides answers to FAQs.

How to verify your certificate

SSL certificates can be verified by using: openssl x509 -in cert.crt -text -noout

How to format your certificate

SSL certificates can be verified by using: openssl x509 -in cert.crt -text -noout

How to verify if dex config is correct

Use curl -i http(s)://<DNS-NAME>/dex/.well-known/openid-configuration to verify if DNS and values setting for dex callback match

Resolution for Mongo Authentication error when internal Mongo is used

The Mongo password for internal Mongo are auto-generated and if helm uninstall/delete is used during the install process, the PVC which mount the password are not removed, so they would continue to use the old password and we would see Mongo Authentication error.

The resolution would be to remove the PVC when doing a helm uninstall/delete. This would not be an issue for external Mongo

The same is applicable for Redis and Minio too

How to run a local stack on Minikube

For development purposes, you may want to run a local stack. To deploy a local stack on minikube using charts from your local filesystem, you can use the predefined values.yaml and example override values file:

helm install ./cortex5 --name cortex --namespace cortex -f cortex5/examples/values-cortex-minikube.yaml -f cortex5/examples/values-cortex-latest.yaml

How to access Cortex through Admin Console (LOCAL)

  1. Add to /etc/hosts:
  2. Forward ports:

    kubectl port-forward -n cortex svc/cortex-kong 8000:8000 &

    NOTE: to remove this forward, bring it back to foreground using fg and then CTRL-C.

  3. Access the Console at

  4. To get the generated invitation token to register a tenant:

    kubectl get -n cortex secrets cortex-vault -o json
    echo <invitation_code> | base64 --decode

Get list of overall images being deployed with a specific version of the Helm chart

  1. Specify the version of the Helm chart to inspect:

    export CHART_VERSION="6.2.0"
  2. Specify the file name/location to write the list to (this file will be recreated if it doesn't already exist):

    export IMAGE_LIST="images.txt"
  3. Add/ensure the Fabric helm repository is added to the local cache and up-to-date:

    helm repo add cortex
    helm repo update
  4. Run the following two helm template commands to get generate the file from step 2 with the list of images:

    helm template cortex/fabric6 --version ${CHART_VERSION} \
    --set mongodb.enabled=false \
    --set minio.enabled=false \
    --set redis.enabled=false \
    --set openldap.enabled=false \
    --set docker-registry.enabled=false \
    | grep " image: .*" | awk '{ print $2 }' > ${IMAGE_LIST}
    helm template cortex/fabric6 --version ${CHART_VERSION} | grep '' | grep 'value:' | awk '{ print $2 }' >> ${IMAGE_LIST}

    NOTE: The first helm command in the example above has all the subchart dependencies disabled with the --set options (to mirror a production installation with externalized infrastructure). A yaml overrides file (ex. values.yaml) can also be provided to get a deployment specific image list:

    helm template cortex/fabric6 --version ${CHART_VERSION} -f values.yaml | grep " image: .*" | awk '{ print $2 }' > ${IMAGE_LIST}