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Version: 6.3.3

Manage Campaigns

This page provides instructions for creating, deploying, undeploying, and deleting Campaigns in Fabric.

You can use the Fabric Console

Campaigns are one of the key components of SENSA Fabric. SENSA Fabric Campaigns empower businesses to make data-driven decisions that result in the best possible outcomes. Campaigns provide a framework for defining the cohorts, KPIs, Data Sources, and missions to generate executable models for tracking business goals through continuous learning and feedback.

Campaigns are composed of three components: Cohorts, Goals, and Missions, which are detailed in subsequent sections.

Create Campaigns

The process below sets up the metadata for a Campaign:

  1. Log in to the Fabric Console and select the Project where you want to build a campaign.

  2. Click Campaigns in the left menu panel.

  3. Click Add Campaign.

  4. Enter a brief but descriptive Title for the Campaign.

    Best Practice: Make sure the name is brief but descriptive enough that collaborators understand the Campaign at a glance.

  5. Review the auto-generated Name for the Campaign. By default this is auto-generated. You may toggle the auto-generated switch to off and edit the name or enter a unique URL-friendly name. Campaign names must be alphanumeric, beginning with a letter and ending with a letter or number. In between dashes and underscores are allowed; no other special characters can be used. (Names must be 20 characters or fewer)

  6. Enter a Description for the Campaign.

  7. Click Save

Edit Campaign Metadata

  1. From the Console, make sure you've selected your active project, then click Campaigns in the left menu panel.
  2. A list of Campaigns is displayed. Click the Campaign you wish to edit.
  3. The Campaign metadata is displayed as read-only. At the top right click the vertical ellipsis menu to expose the menu options.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. After your have edited the Title, Name and/or Description of the Campaign, click Save.
  6. The Campaign configuration opens and you are able to click Start in the Cohort box to configure a Cohort for your new Campaign.
  7. Click Campaigns in the left menu to add another Campaign.

Deploy Campaigns

You may deploy a Campaign when all its Missions are in a deployable status that you should verify before proceeding.

When you deploy a Campaign, all of the missions and mission interventions associated with the Campaign are deployed. For details about what happens when mission intervention is deployed go here.

Alternatively, you may deploy missions independently.

To deploy a Campaign:

  1. Authenticate to the CLI.
  2. (Optional) Generate a list of Campaigns by running:
    cortex campaigns list --project myProject
  3. To deploy a Campaign run:
    cortex campaigns deploy campaignName

Undeploy Campaigns

You can stop a Campaign deployment by undeploying it. Undeploying stops the Intervention actions that are running. You may redeploy a Campaign.

  1. Authenticate to the CLI.
  2. (Optional) Generate a list of Campaigns by running:
    cortex campaigns list --project myProject
  3. To undeploy a Campaign run:
    cortex campaigns undeploy campaignName

Delete Campaigns


Avoid deleting Campaigns unless you are absolutely certain that all collaborators concur. Deleting a Campaign deletes ALL cohorts, goals, conditions, missions, simulations, reports, and configurations within the Campaign container.

  1. From the Console, make sure you've selected your active project, then click Campaigns in the left menu panel.
  2. A list of Campaigns is displayed. Click the Campaign you wish to edit or delete.
  3. The Campaign metadata is displayed as read-only. At the top right click the vertical ellipsis menu to expose menu options.
  4. To delete the Campaign (and all of the missions, simulations, reports, and metadata) click Delete.
  5. Verify your choice in the message that is displayed.
  6. From the verification message you are returned to the Campaign list, and the deleted Campaign is no longer listed.