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The sections below are intended to help different types of users get started by providing a set of links that take them through a typical getting started flow for their role.

Best practices for new Toolkit users

IMPORTANT: Chrome is the recommended browser for running Certifai and all its components.

For best results it is recommended that you run each component of Certifai in a different terminal window. The three components that run during a typical session are:

  • The Certifai Scanner where you input the scan definition using the CLI or inside a Jupyter notebook
  • The Certifai Console where you view the scan results and visualizations.
  • The Reference Model Server which may be used to run scans on reference models provided by CognitiveScale to help you get started

Quickstart for ALL users

  1. Download the Certifai Toolkit to install the components you need to run scans locally.

  2. TUTORIAL: Install Toolkit and view example reports.

  3. TUTORIAL: Run a scan using the Reference Model Server.

Quickstart links for Data Scientists

  1. Download the Certifai Toolkit to install the components you need to run scans locally.

  2. Install the Certifai Toolkit so you can define and run scans either using the Certifai CLI or Jupyter notebooks.

  3. Get started using the prepared Jupyter notebook examples to run prepared sample notebooks running locally.

  4. View results on the local Console so you can view your jupyter notebook scan result visualizations in a local Console. (Recommended: Open a new terminal to run the Console)

  5. Run a local scan that you have defined, and view the results in a local Console instance.

Quickstart links for Engineers

  1. Download the Certifai Toolkit to install the components you need to run scans locally and remotely.

  2. Install the Certifai Toolkit so you can define and run scans using the Certifai CLI.

  3. Install the Certifai reference model package so you can run the sample use case scans delivered in the Toolkit.

  4. Run sample use case scans that are provided in the toolkit to familiarize yourself with Certifai.

  5. View results on the local Console. (Recommended: Open a new terminal to run the Console)

  6. Run a local scan that you have configured with your models and datasets and view the results on a local Console instance.

  7. Run remote scans in your Certifai Enterprise installation by submitting a job to the remote Certifai engine and viewing the results in a remote Console instance.

Quickstart links for Certifai Enterprise users

  1. In the RedHat OpenShift portal perform the Cortex Certifai installation and configuration.

  2. Download the Certifai Toolkit to install the components you need to run scans locally and remotely. (Open the Remote Console from the URL listed in Network -> Routes section of the RHOS portal. Click the help icon at the top right of the Certifai Console to open the menu and click Toolkit to download.)

  3. Install the Certifai Toolkit so you can define and run scans either using the Certifai CLI or Jupyter notebooks.

  4. Set up the example reports so that users can view sample reports in the remote Certifai Console.

  5. Verify installation by running a remote scan.