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Update Certifai Toolkit

Certifai Toolkit users may follow the process described on this page to upgrade the Toolkit to a new version.

Certifai Enterprise users can download the latest Toolkit for their Enterprise instance from the Certifai Console Help Menu that is provided. Otherwise, contact your CognitiveScale representative to receive the latest Certifai Toolkit and Enterprise versions. Verify that this version is not already installed before you begin.

This process provides the least disruption to your local workflow by creating a new context folder in which to unzip the new Certifai version, while maintaining the same conda environment. In this way you can continue to access to reports or scan definitions that you may have stored in your original version folder, but you do not have to manage multiple conda environments.

You may to want to install Certifai in a new conda environment if you have any concerns about a non-backwards compatible change to Certifai, and you would like to keep existing Certifai artifacts. Refer to the changelog for announcements about any such breaking changes.

Upgrade Toolkit

  1. Check to see what version of the Toolkit you are currently using by running certifai --version.

  2. Download the latest version of toolkit.

  3. The zip package is downloaded to your local drive.

  4. Make a new directory to work in (e.g. certifai-v1.2.11). Be sure to give it a name that you have not used to unzip a previous version of Certifai.

    • Mac/Linux users:
      mkdir certifai-v1.2.11
    • Windows PowerShell users: Be sure to create the directory somewhere that you have access if you are not running PowerShell as an Administrator.
      md c:\<current-location>\certifai-v1.2.11
  5. Unzip the package into the new working directory.

    • Mac/Linux users:
      unzip -d certifai-v1.2.11
    • Windows PowerShell users Unzip the files to the directory you created in step 5:
      Expand-Archive -LiteralPath -DestinationPath certifai-v1.2.11 -Force
      NOTE: If you unzip into a folder where a version currently exists, the original file will be overwritten automatically. This is NOT recommended.
  6. Set your context to the working directory you created, where you unzipped the latest

    cd <folder-where-you-unzipped-certifai_toolkit>


    cd certifai-v1.2.11
  1. (To enable the use of Jupyter notebooks) Install the base requirements.
    conda install --file requirements.txt
  1. Install the CERTIFAI packages from your upgrade folder.

    On MAC or Linux:

    • Install the CERTIFAI packages compatible with all supported Python versions.

      pip install packages/all/*
    • Install python packages for your python version (3.7 or 3.8).

      pip install packages/[your_python_version]/*


      MAKE SURE YOU USE YOUR VERSION OF PYTHON. (To check Python version enter python --version in your terminal or command prompt.):

      pip install packages/python3.8/*

    For Windows Powershell:

    • Install the CERTIFAI packages compatible with all supported Python versions.

      Get-ChildItem .\packages\all\*.zip | ForEach-Object -Process { pip install $_ }
    • Install the Certifai packages specific to your Python version. You should replace the python3.8 in the example below with the Python version you are using.

      Get-ChildItem .\packages\python3.8\*.zip | ForEach-Object -Process { pip install $_ }
  2. Verify that the latest version is installed by running certifai --version.

  3. Verify that the upgraded Certifai CLI and client libraries are installed successfully.

    certifai -h

    A usage statement is displayed if the Certifai CLI has been installed successfully.

  4. You can now run the Certifai CLI in your conda environment from any Certifai working directory (Certifai version folder).

    To begin working with the Certifai CLI, set your context in the desired version's folder before you begin.

Activate new conda environment

When there is a major release, you may decide to activate a new conda environment.

IMPORTANT: The process below OVERWRITES your existing conda environment. If you want to retain that environment, DO NOT complete this process OR complete the process, but provide your new conda environment with a different name from the current one.

  1. Before you create a new conda environment deactivate the conda environment you have been using.

    conda deactivate
  2. Create a new Python 3.7 or 3.8 virtual environment.

    conda create -n certifai python=3.8
  3. Activate the newly created environment.

    conda activate certifai