Version: 6.2.0


How to verify that your certificate

SSL certificates can be verified by using: openssl x509 -in cert.crt -text -noout

How to run a local stack on Minikube

For development purposes, you may want to run a local stack. To deploy a local stack on minikube using charts from your local filesystem, you can use the predefined values.yaml and example override values file:

helm install ./cortex5 --name cortex --namespace cortex -f cortex5/examples/values-cortex-minikube.yaml -f cortex5/examples/values-cortex-latest.yaml

How to access Cortex through Admin Console (LOCAL)

  1. Add to /etc/hosts:
  2. Forward ports:

    kubectl port-forward -n cortex svc/cortex-kong 8000:8000 &

    NOTE: to remove this forward, bring it back to foreground using fg and then CTRL-C.

  3. Access the Console at

  4. To get the generated invitation token to register a tenant:

    kubectl get -n cortex secrets cortex-vault -o json
    echo <invitation_code> | base64 --decode