Version: 6.2.0


This page provides information on configuring IRSA (IAM Role Service Accounts) for Kubernetes.

AWS Service Accounts and IRSA

In addition Service Accounts can be used to assume a configure IAM role to provide access and permissions to AWS services. For example, if you have a Skill that calls for an S3 connection, you can use a service account in lieu of providing an AWS API tokens (access key and secret key).

For details about native IAM/Service Account support read this.

Configure IRSA support

AWS documentation for setting up IRSA support is found here.

  1. Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster – You only need to do this once for a cluster.

  2. Create an IAM role and attach an IAM policy to it with the permissions that your service accounts need – Cortex currently supports using a single Service Account and by extension a single IAM Role can be assumed.

  3. Associate an IAM role with a service account – Complete this task for each Kubernetes service account that needs access to AWS resources.