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Cortex CLI

This reference guide provides a list of all commands available in the Cortex Command Line Interface (Cortex CLI). See CLI for help getting started using the CLI.


The following table describes the common notation used in this reference guide.

\< \>Required<value> denotes a required value.
[ ]Optional[options] denotes an optional value.


cortex [command] [options]

Global options

-v, --versionOutputs the version number.
-h, --helpOutputs usage information.
--profile [profile]Run the CLI using the specified profile instead of the default config.

General notes

  • The output results for most list commands display as a table. Add the --json option to output results as JSON. When --json is used, you can use the --query option to filter the results.
  • The output results for describe commands display in the format of the document it is describing. This can include YAML, JSON, or other formats.

Cortex actions

cortex actions [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Actions

delete [options] <actionName>Delete an action--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
deploy [options] [actionDefinition]Deploy an action--cmd <cmd> - Command to be executed
--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--environmentVariables <environmentVariables> - Docker container environment variables, only used for daemon action types
--image, --docker <name[:tag]> - Docker image to use as the runner
--jobTimeout <jobTimeout> - Job Timeout in seconds until the job is marked as FAILED (default: no timeout), only used for job action types
--name, --actionName <name> - Action name
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--podspec <podspec> - A file containing either a JSON or YAML formatted pod spec to merge with the action definition, used for specifying resources (like memory, ephemeral storage, CPUs, and GPUs) and tolerations (like allowing pods to be scheduled on tainted nodes).
--port <port> - Docker port, only used for daemon action types
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--scaleCount <count> - Scale count, only used for daemon action types
`--type, --actionType <job
describe [options] <actionName>Describe an action--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
-d, --download - Download code binary in response
list [options]List the deployed actions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.

Cortex agents

cortex agents [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Agents

create-snapshot [options] [snapshotDefinition]Create an agent snapshot--agentName <name[:version]> - The name of the agent to snapshot
--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--title <title> - A descriptive title for the snapshot
delete [options] <agentName>Delete an agent--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
deploy [options] <agentNames...>Deploy the agent resource to the cluster--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <agentName>Describe agent--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--verbose - Verbose output
--versions - To get list of versions of an agent
-f --output-file <file> - Write output to file instead of stdout
`-o, --output <json
describe-snapshot [options] <snapshotId>Describe agent snapshot--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
`-o, --output <json
get-activation [options] <activationId>Get dataset or service activation--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--report [boolean] - Get additional debugging info in activation response
--verbose [boolean] - Get debugging info in activation response
invoke [options] <agentName> <serviceName>Invoke an agent service--color [boolean] - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--params <params> - JSON params to send to the action
--params-file <paramsFile> - A file containing either JSON or YAML formatted params
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--scheduleCron <cron> - Schedule agent invoke periodically using a cron schedule string for example: "0 0 * * *", @hourly, or @daily
--scheduleName <name> - Identifier to uniquely identify an agents schedule, defaults to the agent's name
--sync - Invoke the agent synchronously
list [options]List agent definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
list-activations [options]List activations for an agent--agentName <string> - Query activations by agentName
--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--correlationId <string> - Query activations with same correlationId
--endAfter <timestamp> - Filters activations to include those that ended after the specified timestamp.
--endBefore <timestamp> - Filters activations to include those that ended before the specified timestamp.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skillName <string> - Query activations by skillName
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"start":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
--startAfter <timestamp> - Filters activations to include those that started after the specified timestamp.
--startBefore <timestamp> - Filters activations to include those that started before the specified timestamp.
--status <status> - Filters activations by status [complete
list-services [options] <agentName>List agent service endpoints--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
list-snapshots [options] <agentName>List agent snapshots--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
save [options] <agentDefinitions...>Save an agent definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for agent definition format
undeploy [options] <agentNames...>Undeploy the agent resource from the cluster--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex assessments

cortex assessments [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Assessments

create [options] [assessmentDefinition]Create an assessment. Do list-resources and list-types to select component and type--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--component <Cortex component name> - Cortex component name (case insensitive regex/substring match)
--description <description> - Assessment description
--name <name> - Assessment name
--overwrite [boolean] - Overwrite existing assessment, if exists
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--scope <projects> - Assessment scope projects (comma separated values)
--title <title> - Assessment title
--type <Cortex component types> - Assessment scope component types (comma separated values)
-y, --yaml - Use YAML format
delete [options] <assessmentName>Delete the assessment and its generated reports--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
dependency-tree [options] [dependencyFile]Dependencies of a resource or find missing ones from dependencyFile--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--missing [boolean] - Filter only missing dependencies
--name <Cortex component name> (default: ) - Cortex component name
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--scope <project> - project name of the resource
--type <Cortex component type> (default: ) - Cortex resource type
describe [options] <assessmentName>Describe the assessment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
export-report [options] <assessmentName> <reportId>Export report of the assessment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--type <Cortex component types> - Component types to export (comma separated values)
get-report [options] <assessmentName> <reportId>Get report of the assessment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
list [options]List assessments--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <Limit records for pagination> - Limit records for pagination
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <Skip records for pagination> - Skip records for pagination
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
list-report [options] <assessmentName>Lists reports of the assessment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <Limit records for pagination> - Limit records for pagination
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <Skip records for pagination> - Skip records for pagination
list-resources [options]List matching resources--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--name <Cortex component name> - Cortex component name (case insensitive regex/substring match)
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--scope <projects> - Assessment scope projects (comma separated values)
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
--type <Cortex component types> - Assessment scope component types (comma separated values)
list-types [options]List Cortex resource types--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
report [options] <assessmentName>Run report generation of the assessment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use

Cortex campaigns

cortex campaigns [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Campaigns

deploy [options] <campaignName>Deploy Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <campaignName>Describe Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
export [options] <campaignName>Export Campaign Archive--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--deployable [boolean] - Export only deployable missions
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--o <output> - Export file name
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
import [options] <campaignExportFilepath>Import Campaign Archive--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--deploy [boolean] - Set missions status Ready To Deploy
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--overwrite [boolean] - Overwrite existing deployed missions with the imported one
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
list [options]List Campaigns--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
undeploy [options] <campaignName>Undeploy Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex configure

cortex configure [options] [command]

Configure cortex connection profiles

create [options]Authenticate to cortex (default command)--file <file> - Personal access config file location
--profile <profile> (default: default) - The profile to configure
--project <project> - The default project
describe [options] <profileName>Describe a configured profile--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
env [options]Print cortex environment variables--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--ttl <time> (default: 1d) - The amount of time for this login to remain active, expressed as a number of hours, days, or weeks (e.g. 1h, 2d, 2w)
list [options]List configured profiles--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
set-profile [options] <profileName>Sets the current profile.
token [options]Create access token--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--ttl <time> - The amount of time for this login to remain active, expressed as a number of hours, days, or weeks (e.g. 1h, 2d, 2w)

Cortex connections

cortex connections [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Connections

delete [options] <connectionName>Delete a connection--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <connectionName>Describe connection--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
list [options]List connections definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
list-types [options]List connections types--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
save [options] <connectionDefinition>Save a connections definition. Takes JSON file by default.--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for agent definition format

Cortex content

cortex content [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Managed Content

delete [options] <contentKey>Delete content--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
download [options] <contentKey>Downloads content which can be piped to a file on disk. cortex content download filename > filename.json--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--progress - Show download progress
--project <project> - The project to use
list [options]List content--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--prefix <prefix> - Filter contents with the given prefix.
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
upload [options] <contentKey> <filePath>Upload content--chunkSize <int> - Number of files to simultaneous upload
--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--content-type <MIME type> - Sets the Content-Type or MIME type of the content ( default: application/octet-stream )
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--progress - Show upload progress
--project <project> - The project to use
--test - Show what would be uploaded along with file size
-r, --recursive - Recursively walk <filePath> and prefix each path stored with <contentKey>

Cortex deploy

cortex deploy [options] [command]

Export Cortex artifacts for deployment

campaign [options] <campaignName>Export Campaigns for deployment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--deployable [boolean] - Export only ready to deploy Campaigns
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
connection [options] <connectionName>Export Connection for deployment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
experiment [options] <experimentName> [runId]Export Experiment with Model and Run for deployment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--latestRun [boolean] - Export latest run of experiment if not specified
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
skill [options] <skillName>Export Skill for deployment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--latestRun [boolean] - Export latest run of experiment if not specified
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
snapshots [options] <snapshotIds>Export Agent(s) snapshots(s) for deployment. Provide snapshotIds separated by space, as <"snapshotId1 snapshotId2 ...">--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--latestRun [boolean] - Export latest run of Experiment(s) if not specified
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-f, --force - Force delete existing exported files
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for snapshot export format

Cortex docker

cortex docker [options] [command]

Work with Docker

login [options]Docker login to the Cortex registry with your jwt token--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--ttl <time> (default: 14d) - The amount of time for this login to remain active, expressed as a number of hours, days, or weeks (e.g. 1h, 2d, 2w)

Cortex experiments

cortex experiments [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Experiments

create-run [options] <runDefinition>Create run for experiment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for run definition format
delete [options] <experimentName>Delete an experiment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
delete-run [options] <experimentName> <runId>Delete run--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <experimentName>Describe experiment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
describe-run [options] <experimentName> <runId>Describe run--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
download-artifact [options] <experimentName> <runId> <artifactName>Download artifact from run--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
list [options]Find experiments--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--model <model> - The model to use
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
list-runs [options] <experimentName>Find runs within an experiment--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
save [options] <experimentDefinition>Save an experiment definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for experiment definition format
upload-artifact [options] <experimentName> <runId> <filePath> <artifactKey>Upload artifact for run--chunkSize <int> - Number of files to simultaneous upload
--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--content-type <MIME type> - Sets the Content-Type or MIME type of the content ( default: application/octet-stream )
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex generate

cortex generate [options] [command]

Scaffolding Cortex Components [DEPRECATED]

skill [options] [skillName] [type]Generates the structure and top level build script for a skill in current directory--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.

Cortex missions

cortex missions [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Missions

deploy [options] <campaignName> <missionName>Deploy the selected Missions of the Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <campaignName> <missionName>Describe the selected Missions of the Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
invoke [options] <campaignName> <missionName>Invoke the mission--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--params <params> - JSON params to send to the action
--params-file <paramsFile> - A file containing either JSON or YAML formatted params
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
list [options] <campaignName>List Missions of the Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
status [options] <activationId>Status of Missions activation--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
undeploy [options] <campaignName> <missionName>Undeploy the selected Missions of the Campaign--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex models

cortex models [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Models

delete [options] <modelName>Delete a model--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <modelName>Describe model--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--verbose - Verbose output
list [options]List model definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
--tags <tags> - The tags to use (comma separated values)
list-runs [options] <modelName>List model run--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
publish [options] <modelName>Publish a model--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--content-type <MIME type> - Sets the Content-Type or MIME type of the content ( default: application/octet-stream )
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for model definition format
save [options] <modelDefinition>Save a model definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for model definition format
unpublish [options] <modelName>Unpublish a model--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--content-type <MIME type> - Sets the Content-Type or MIME type of the content ( default: application/octet-stream )
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for model definition format

Cortex projects

cortex projects [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Projects

delete [options] <projectName>Delete project--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
describe [options] <projectName>Describe project--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
list [options]List project definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"_updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
save [options] [projectDefinition]Save a project definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
-d, --description <string> - The project description
-n, --name <string> - The project name
-t, --title <string> - The project title
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for project definition format

Cortex roles

cortex roles [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Roles

assign [options] <role>Manage a list of user assignments on a role--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--delete - Unassign users from role
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--users <users...> - Users to add/remove to/from a role
assign-external [options]Manage an external group assignment on a role--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--delete - Unassign external group from role
--externalGroup <externalGroup> - External group to add/remove on role
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--role <role> - Role to add/remove assignment
create [options] <role>Create a role with the given grant--actions <actions...> - Grant actions read
delete [options] <role>Delete a role and remove grants/assignments--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
delete-external [options] <externalGroup>Delete an external group and remove assignments--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
describe [options] <role>Describe role grants and users--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--no-grants - Ignore grants associated with role
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--users - List users associated with role
describe-external [options] <externalGroup>Describe external group roles and users--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--roles - List roles associated with external group
--users - List users associated with external group
grant [options] <role>Manage grants on an existing role--actions <actions...> - Grant actions read
list [options]List roles by project and user--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - Project to list roles for
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
list-external [options]List external groups--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
project [options] <project>Manage a list of role assignments on a project--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--delete - Unassign roles from project
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--roles <roles...> - Roles to add/remove on project

Cortex secrets

cortex secrets [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Secrets

delete [options] <keyName>Delete a secret--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <keyName>Retrieve the value stored for the given key.--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json - Output results using JSON
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
list [options]List secure keys--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
save [options] <keyName> [value]Save or overwrite a secure value. By default values are stored as strings but can also be saved as JSON or YAML.--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--data <data> - JSON value to save
--data-file <dataFile> - A file containing either JSON or YAML formatted value to save
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex sessions

cortex sessions [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Sessions

delete [options] <sessionId>Delete a session--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <sessionId>Describe session--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--verbose - Verbose output
list [options]List session definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Number of sessions to list
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
save [options] <sessionDefinition>Save a session definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for session definition format

Cortex skills

cortex skills [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Skills

delete [options] <skillName>Delete a skill--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json - Output results using JSON
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
deploy [options] <skillNames...>Deploy the skill resource to the cluster--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <skillName>Describe skill--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--verbose - Verbose output
-f --output-file <file> - Write output to file instead of stdout
`-o, --output <json
invoke [options] <skillName> <inputName>Invoke a skill--color [boolean] - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--params <params> - JSON params to send to the action
--params-file <paramsFile> - A file containing either JSON or YAML formatted params
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--sync - Invoke the skill synchronously
list [options]List skill definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--noshared - do not list shared skills
--nostatus - skip extra call for skill status
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
logs [options] <skillName> <actionName>Get logs of a skill and action--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--raw - Get raw logs as a stream
save [options] <skillDefinitions...>Save a skill definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--podspec <podspec> - A file containing either a JSON or YAML formatted pod spec to merge with the skill definition, used for specifying resources (like memory, ephemeral storage, CPUs, and GPUs) and tolerations (like allowing pods to be scheduled on tainted nodes).
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--scaleCount <count> - Scale count, only used for daemon action types
-k, --k8sResource <file...> - Additional kubernetes resources deployed and owned by the skill
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for skill definition format
undeploy [options] <skillNames...>Undeploy the skill resource from the cluster--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex tasks

cortex tasks [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Tasks

delete [options] <taskName...>Delete a task, if it exists--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <taskName>Describe a task--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--k8s - Return the full k8sResource in the response
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
list [options]List tasks--actionName <string> - Filter tasks by action name
--activationId <string> - filter tasks by activation id
--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--filter <filter> - A Mongo style filter to use.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--scheduled - Show scheduled tasks only
--skillName <string> - Filter tasks by skill name
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"startTime":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
logs [options] <taskName>Get logs of a task--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
pauseSchedule [options] <taskNames...>Pause scheduling for a scheduled task--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
resumeSchedule [options] <taskNames...>Resume paused schedule for a scheduled task--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use

Cortex types

cortex types [options] [command]

Work with Cortex Types

delete [options] <typeName>Delete a type--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json - Output results using JSON
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
describe [options] <typeName>Describe type--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchPath] - A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
list [options]List type definitions--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--limit <limit> (default: 20) - Limit number of records
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
--skip <skip> (default: 0) - Skip number of records
--sort <sort> (default: {"updatedAt":-1}) - A Mongo style sort statement to use in the query.
save [options] <typeDefinition>Save a type definition--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project> - The project to use
-y, --yaml - Use YAML for type definition format

Cortex users

cortex users [options] [command]

Work with Cortex User

create [options] <user>Creates a service user (with no assigned roles/grants) that can authenticate with and call Fabric API's--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
delete [options] <user>Deletes a service user and disables any existing tokens created by the user--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
describe [options] [user]Describe a users grants and roles--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--roles - Include grant inheritance from roles
--user <user> - The user to describe, self for default
grant [options] <user>Manage user grants--actions <actions...> - Grant actions read
list [options]Lists all service users created within Cortex--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--json [searchQuery] - Output results in JSON, supports JMESPath query to filter the response data
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--query <query> - [DEPRECATION WARNING] A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data
project [options] <project>Manage a list of user assignments on a project--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors for JSON output.
--delete - Unassign users from project
--no-compat - Ignore API compatibility checks
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--users <users...> - Users to add/remove on project

Cortex workspaces

cortex workspaces [options] [command]

Scaffolding Cortex Components

build [options] [folder]Builds all skills in the workspace, or optionally only the specified skill--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--skill <skill name> - Build only the specified skill
configure [options]Configures the Cortex Template System for generating skill templates--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors
--refresh - Refresh the Github access token
generate [options] [name] [destination]Generates a workspace based on a template from the template repository--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors
--notree [boolean] (default: false) - Do not display generated file tree
--template <templateName> - Name of template to use
publish [options] [folder]Publishes all skills and resources in the workspace--color [boolean] (default: true) - Turn on/off colors
--profile <profile> - The profile to use
--project <project name> - Publish to the specified project
--skill <skill name> - Publish only the specified skill
--skip-push - Don't push images to docker registry
registry [options] [command]Manage image repositories.